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who have all sown their seeds at Qualinoa

In 2020 and 2021, in collaboration with Valérie MATHIEU, head of the MSc Services Management and Marketing program at Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management – IAE, 8 groups of 5 students explored the future uses of quinoa.


In 2021, Solal POIRET was awarded his diploma in Agri-food Engineering from the ONIRIS School in Nantes. The subject of his thesis was "Gluten-free bread-making with quinoa: optimization of formulation and process". He greatly contributed to the validation of Qualinoa’s first proof of concept.


Vincent LAMBERT completed an internship with Qualinoa in 2023 as part of his "Biological and agrifood engineering" ("Génie biologique et agroalimentaire") course at Montpellier’s Polytechnic University, and worked on our first trials of a "quinoa-based gluten-free pastry mix".


In 2023, Mathieu PERRILLON completed an internship as part of his "Biological and agrifood engineering" ("Génie biologique et agroalimentaire") training program at Montpellier’s Polytechnic University, carrying out a comparative analysis of “the main quinoa de-saponification methods for eliminating anti-nutritional factors".


At the end of 2023, Clément Mario RAFARALAHINIRINA defended his diploma thesis from the Institut Agro de Montpellier in the program "Markets, organizations, quality, services in support of agriculture in the South" (“Marchés, organisations, qualité, services en appui aux agricultures du sud”) (MOQUAS) and worked on "structuring the quinoa sector in Maghreb countries: critical analysis of an emerging sector based on the case of Morocco, with a case study of the development of a quinoa couscous".

Nehmat Mia HADDAD

Nehmat Mia HADDAD is currently completing her end-of-year internship, part of her master’s in "Product engineering from kitchen to industrialization" (“Ingénierie de produits à l'interface cuisine-industrie”) between the AgroParisTech engineering school and the École Ferrandi in Paris, with the aim of "optimizing the formulation of a quinoa-based Patisserie Mix to make it transversal to different recipes".


Bianca VEDOVATO PARANHOS is currently completing her agronomy and agri-food engineering internship at the Institut Agro de Montpellier on the "Development of a production process for steamed quinoa-based gluten-free breads".